Knowing What Are the Characteristics of Children that Parents Must Know

10 September 2020 00:00

A number of psychology experts say that failure to understand children's character from an early age will have an impact on problematic personalities in the future. As a parent, it is mandatory for you to recognize what a child's character is. This is useful so that the learning direction can run well.

Every child is created with different talents. Thomas Lickora argues that the number of children is only 25% of the world's total population, but 100% determines the future. To understand the understanding and types of children's characters, here is a more complete review.

What is Child Character and its Types

A child's character is a real inner trait and influences a child's thoughts, behavior and character. Character can be seen from the way children apply the values ​​of kindness through their actions. Based on this definition, children's characters can be divided into four types.

Plegmatic character

Children who are often considered shy and lack self-confidence generally have a plegmatic character. This type of character is not actually the shy type, but rather is calmer, does not like being rushed, and is attentive.

The type of child plegmatis will do everything optimally when they find motivation. As a parent, you must be patient in directing the character of this one child until he finds his motivation.

Melancholy character

Knowing what a melancholy character is is also mandatory for parents. Melancholy is often defined as weepy and easily grieved. But actually, children with this character are the type to like to be heard. They may seem stubborn, but the plus side is that they are calculating so they are not careless.

Children with a melancholy character are also not happy when they do something outside their plan or things that are impulsive. Make sure you are loyal to hear his complaints and make the best possible plan with your little one if you want to do something.

Koleris characters

The character of choleris can be seen from the child's overflowing enthusiasm. Cholesterol-type children also really like to do exciting things that drain their energy. You must know what choleric character is in children.

The type of choleric child tends to be straightforward. They can express their desires well. However, this type of character is a little emotional, so parents must be extra patient in dealing with it.

Sanguinis character

If the child often looks cheerful and wants to always stand out, the sanguine character is in him. The character of the sanguinis child can also be said to be an atmosphere carrier because of his character who likes crowds. But on the other hand, this type of child is also very easily bored.

Concentration is also a difficult thing to do. Although children generally find it difficult to concentrate, the sanguis's difficulty in concentrating is more visible. Make sure you always train children to focus and introduce the importance of commitment to children.

Every Child Is a Unique Individual

Talents, interests, and even children's learning styles are not the same. Each child is created with a unique style and character. The uniqueness of a child is derived from the genetic makeup of the parents.

Apart from genetic factors, the character building and growth of children's interest in something are also influenced by the surrounding environment. Make sure the surrounding environment also contributes positively in developing children's character.

Of course, talent development in children will run optimally if you get the right container. Inclusive schools exist by giving equal attention to each child.

Regardless of whether children have special or general needs, in inclusive schools, all children get the same attention. In order to develop better talents, you can find out more about what an inclusive school is.

This is an explanation of what a child's character must be known by parents. Every child is born with a different character. Talents and talents possessed by each child are also not the same. The similarity is that the character and talents possessed by children must be developed.